Somebody's gotta pay the bills around here.

You probably won’t understand this tagline unless you’re a big nerd! If you are, check out the blogs I’ve been editing here.

The Real Dill: pun-friendly pickles.

This company called Nike makes shoes. Check 'em out for your next pair! I wrote a piece about the Jordan Dome that’s unfortunately not on the site anymore. Here it is!

This Bar Saves Lives saves lives.

Camp Woodward is extreme, bro.

Snap into a Duke's.

Ball is life (especially if you like Mason jars).

Go BIGS or go home.

I wrote the new website for the venerable institution, P.J. Clarke's. Please enjoy.

Weed ads: Until some narc smashes through my bedroom window.

Here lies spots for a killer beer fest at...wait for it...Killington.